Sniper Rifle Dead Drop is an intel you can buy in the Clearinghouse. It leaves a sniper rifle to shoot against the enemy.
These are the missions that have the intel.
Bug Al-Samad Airfield[]
Darcy's contact will, for a price, leave a precision rifle in a pre-arranged location in Al-Samad's airfield, for use in your mission.
Investigate Weapon Shipments[]
Sniper Rifle Dead Drop. For a small fee, a courier can be hired to leave a rifle stashed on the scene for you to use.
Selling Message[]
Intel Purchase Confirmation
Sniper Rifle Dead Drop
- $800 - Bug Al-Samad Airifield
- $1500 - Investigate Weapon Shipments
Bug Al-Samad Airfield[]
A 'buddy' of mine says he can have a dead drop in place for you at the airfield. I was thinking... Precision rifle with suppressor? Eh? I figure hardware like that is too heavy and noisy to lug to the mission... And while you should be 'stealthy' and shit like that, I figured there's a chance you'd need to resort to violence and so I was thinking: Big Rifle For Mikey, Let me know if you're down, I figure we'll send my buddy funds for the rifle and the labor of toting the thing there.
Investigate Weapon Shipments[]
Wanted: Reliable courier to deliver a dead drop parcel. Potential risk (and suitable compensation) invovled
E-mail Message[]
Bug Al-Samad Airfield[]
Good choice Mikey - kill some folks for me. I'll have my contact radio me the final position of the drop and update your map.
Happy Hunting,
Investigate Weapons Shipments[]
Your payment has cleared and I'm headed out to deliver the parcel now. Give me a few hours and our parcel will be in place at the train station.