Alpha Protocol Wiki

Heck Enterprises is black-market source of goods and intel, owned and operated by Steven Heck. Unlike most other black-market suppliers, the availability of products offered by Heck Enterprises are not dependent upon being in good standing with their proprietor.


Hub Mission Intel Type Cost Description Result
Taipei Retrieve NSB Data from Grand Hotel Additional On-Site Acquisition $4,000 Heck knows a man at the Grand Hotel that will, for the right price, 'accidentally' leave some valuables out in the open for you. Three Special Ammunition items and a random weapon upgrade in Security Wing.
Taipei Intercept Assassination Plans Fire Support $3,100 Heck is available as a gun-for-hire should you need backup during your mission into the subway tunnels. Heck will take out several CSP targets with a mini-gun.
Taipei Stop Omen Deng at Memorial Rally Better Supplies for Allies $5,000 Heck can make sure that your allies are equipped with better weapons and armor. Triad allies are armored. No noticeable advantage for G22 agents.
Moscow Assault Brayko's Mansion Spiked Cocaine $12,000 Being on Heck's good side is occasionally helpful. Like when you need someone to deliver a giant supply of spike cocaine to the fortified mansion of a paranoid mobster. Makes fight with Brayko easier.

Armor and Upgrades[]

Name Endurance Damage Reduction Sound Dampening Upgrade Slots Inventory Space Price (Easy) Price (Normal) Price (Hard) Notes
Interceptor Body Armor 30 0 2 1 0 ? $12,000 $13,800 Good Endurance, Noisy
Night Operations Armor 20 0 4 1 0 ? $10,500 $12,075 Quiet, Low Endurance
SWAT Utility Armor 25 0 3 2 1 ? $8,000 $9,200 Additional Inventory Space, Upgradable
Tactical Utility Armor 45 0 3 3 2 ? $50,000 $57,500 Additional Inventory Space, Upgradable
Tactical Combat Armor 55 0 1 2 1 ? $51,000 $58,650 Excellent Endurance, Noisy
Tactical Stealth Armor 40 0 5 2 1 ? $49,000 $56,350 Quiet, Moderate Endurance

Name Endurance Damage Reduction Sound Dampening Price (Easy) Price (Normal) Price (Hard) Notes
Reinforced Joints 10 0 -1 ? $3,850 $4,427 Increases Endurance, Reduces Stealth
Shock Pads 0 0 0 ? $4,150 $8,222 Slightly Increases Recoil Control with all weapons
Ablative Ceramic Plates 0 10 -1 ? $7,250 $8,337 Increases Damage Resistance, Reduces Stealth
Ceramic Pocket Inserts 5 0 0 ? $9,500 $10,925 Increases Endurance, Reduces Ammo Carrying Capacity
Reactive Polymer Weave 0 5 0 ? $7,400 $8,510 Increases Damage Resistance
Carbide Matrix 10 5 0 ? $80,000 $92,000 Increases Damage Resistance and Endurance
Adrenaline Regulator -5 0 0 ? $25,000 $28,750 Slightly Improves Ability Cooldown Rates, Lowers Endurance
Fitted Underlay 0 0 0 ? $8,100 $9,315 Improves Ability Cooldown Rates
Ammo Pouch 0 0 0 ? $6,500 $7,475 Increases Ammunition Carrying Capacity
Digital Camouflage 0 0 0 ? $26,500 $30,475 Slightly Reduces Enemy Sight Range
Infrared Flashbulb 0 0 0 ? $4,500 $5,175 Adds a short time delay for being spotted by cameras
Printed Circuitry 0 0 0 ? $6,000 $6,900 Provides a slight bonus to lockpicking, electronics, and hacking
Arm Guards 0 0 0 ? $5,400 $6,210 Increases Strike Damage
Reinforced Arm Guards 5 0 0 ? $19,000 $21,850 Increases Strike Damage and Endurance


Name Damage Accuracy Recoil Stability Ammunition Price (Easy) Price (Normal) Price (Hard)
Hamilton .45 Pistol 20 20 30 30 12 $4,000 $4,600
Hamilton Contender 21 21 31 31 14 $20,000 $23,000
Rittergrupen 5.7mm Pistol 20 22 29 31 10 $5,250 $6,037
Samael Sidewinder 19 21 33 34 18 $25,000 $28,750
UC .50 Pistol 21 18 27 28 12 $5,500 $6,325

Heck Enterprises sells all three types of pistol ammunition.

Shotguns and Upgrades[]

Name Damage Accuracy Recoil Stability Ammunition Price (Easy) Price (Normal) Price (Hard)
Hamilton 12 Gauge 30 4 5 15 8 $5,000 $5,750
Hamilton Lonestar 31 6 6 16 9 $25,000 $28,750
Rittergruppen 10 Gauge 30 6 4 16 6 $4,500 $5,175
Samael Vengeance 30 6 8 19 10 $21,500 $24,725
UC .73 Gauge 31 2 2 13 8 $6,000 $6,900

Heck Enterprises sells all three types of shotgun ammunition.


Name Damage Accuracy Recoil Stability Ammunition Price (Easy) Price (Normal) Price (Hard) Description
Modified Choke 4 -2 $10,000 $11,500 Increases Accuracy, Reduces Recoil Control
Skeet Choke 2 -1 $3,000 $3,450 Increases Accuracy, Reduces Recoil Control
Lighter Shotgun Barrel 1 $2,400 $2,760 Increases Stability
Ultralight Barrel 2 $8,000 $9,200 Increases Stability
Shotgun Muzzle Break 2 -1 $3,300 $3,795 Increases Recoil Control, Reduces Stability
Basic Shotgun Muzzle Assist 1 -2 $6,000 $6,900 Increases Damage, Reduces Stability
Shotgun Muzzle Assist 1 1 -2 $12,000 $13,800 Increases Damage and Recoil Control, Reduces Stability
Advanced Shotgun Muzzle Assist 1 2 -2 $37,500 $43,125 Increases Damage and Recoil Control, Reduces Stability


Name Damage Accuracy Recoil Stability Ammunition Price (Easy) Price (Normal) Price (Hard) Description
Balanced Shotgun Clip 1 $3,000 $3,450 Increases recoil control
Customized Shotgun Magazine 1 $2,700 $3,105 Increases Ammo Capacity
Extended Shotgun Magazine -1 2 $8,000 $9,200 Increases Ammo Capacity, Reduces Stability


Name Damage Accuracy Recoil Stability Ammunition Price (Easy) Price (Normal) Price (Hard) Description
Calibrated Shotgun Recoil Springs 1 $3,175 $3,651 Increases Recoil Control
Composite Shotgun Components 1 $1,500 $1,725 Increases Stability
Composite Shotgun Stock 2 2 $27,250 $31,337 Increases Recoil Control and Stability
Converted Shotgun Chamber -2 4 $4,000 Increases Ammo Capacity, Reduces Recoil Control
Custom Shotgun Grip 1 $3,250 $3,737 Increases Stability
Expanded Shotgun Chamber 2 $9,000 $10,350 Increases Ammo Capacity
Lighter Shotgun Stock 1 1 $4,000 $4,600 Increases Recoil Control and Stability
Modified Shotgun Chamber 2 1 -2 $8,850 $10,117 Increase Recoil Control and Stability, Reduces Ammo Capacity
Reinforced Shotgun Components 1 -2 $3,200 $3,680 Increases Damage, Reduces Recoil Control
Vented Shotgun Action -1 2 $3,050 $3,507 Increases Recoil Control, Reduces Damage
Streamlined Shotgun Frame $8,300 $9,545

Assault Rifles and Upgrades[]

Name Damage Accuracy Recoil Stability Ammunition Price (Easy) Price (Normal) Price (Hard)
Hamilton AR 21 25 30 15 5 30 $4,500 $5,175
Hamilton Hawk 26 31 16 6 33 $22,500 $25,875
Rittergruppen CE20 25 32 14 6 24 $5,500 $6,325
Samael FR99 24 30 16 7 33 $4,000 $4,600
Samael Executioner 24 31 18 9 39 $20,000 $23,000
UC AK90 26 28 12 3 30 $5,250 $6,037

Heck Enterprises sells Standard Assault Rifle and ADPS ammunition.

Name Damage Accuracy Recoil Stability Ammunition Price (Easy) Price (Normal) Price (Hard)
Scope +3 -3 $10.250 $11,787

Note: While this can be considered its own faction, there are no dossiers.
