Alpha Protocol Wiki

Template:Infobox mission Graybox (Introduction Mission) is one of the missions in the hub.


This is a detailed guide to get through the Graybox hub. The intent is to complete all objectives using stealth, so if you chose Field Agent you came to the right place.

Objectives and Walkthrough

Find Your Captors

You begin by waking up in the medical bay. Take a moment to look around , then pick up the PDA on the table. Conversation starts with Mina Tang. The first choice has no effect other than a possible perk, but the second determines your method of escape.

  • 1st Choice - Professional
  • 2nd Choice - Distract: Mina unlocks the door and creates a distraction for the guard outside.

The conversation ends, and your escape begins.


  • Dossier: Mina Tang
  • Perk: Professional (Endurance +5)

Break Out

Head out the door into the next room. Crouch down and move near the next door so you can see the guard outside. When he walks to the left, open the door and get behind him. Use the takedown function. Head through the door.

Disable Alarms

The alarm automatically sounds, so head to the security panel. Breeze through the tutorial, then disable the alarm. Head out the door next to you.

=Arm Yourself

Head to the left and grab the TRANQUILIZER AMMO (12). Now move along the right side of the glass panels to get behind the guard. Use a takedown on him. Continue on the toward main computer and pick up more TRANQUILIZER AMMO (12). The table behind you has the TRANQUILIZER GUN. Keep heading right along the barriers until you see the other guard. When he faces the window, get behind him for another takedown.

Pick Lock

In the next room a guard will walk up to the computer in front of you. Easy takedown. Grab the TRANQUILIZER AMMO (12) and head downstairs to the camera. Wait until it pans right, then go through the door. Move up against the left wall and wait until you see the guard walking to the right. Follow him quickly for a takedown, then turn left. There is another guard walking into the side room, so follow him in for another takedown. Don't forget the TRANQUILIZER AMMO (12) in the right side room. Head through the double doors. Move to the next door for another tutorial, then pick the lock and go through.

Evade Guards

Head left and grab the TRANQUILIZER AMMO (12) off the wall, then go through the next door. After the cutscene, pick up some more TRANQUILIZER AMMO (12), then go down the first flight of stairs to your right. You will see a guard down below. Wait until he walks to the right, then move up to the railing. When he stops, aim in for a critical shot to the head. Head downstairs. Move behind the boxes to the left. When the two guards at the other end walk away, move all the way up to the forklift and use it for cover. Wait here until the nearest guard walks away from you the same time the other guard walks to the right. Move out and take out the first one, then make a wide turn to the right to take down the other. Head up the stairs opposite you and go through the door.

Hack Computer

The guard in this room won't see you, so don't panic. Wait until he walks to the far wall before using a takedown on him. Head to the lockers and wait for the camera to pan left. Quickly move up and grab the briefcase full of $2500. Head to the computer for a hacking tutorial. Successfully complete the hack to unlock the door to the left. Head through to complete the mission.


A conversation begins with Yancy Westridge. You have a few choices to make here.

  • 1st Choice - Dismissive
  • 2nd Choice - Impatient: +1 rep with Yancy Westridge
  • 3rd Choice - Ready


Report to Training Sector

Go through the door that opens, then out the next. Head left and through the right door. This is the training sector.

Change Appearance

Move to the locker and you can customize your agent. Afterwards, turn on the TV and wait for the entire broadcast to finish. Then turn around to the computer and hack it for an extra 25 EXP snd some email reading. Head to the left into Gadget Orientation.


  • Perk: News Conscious (5% discount on intel from Saudi vendors)

Objective 4

Choices and consequences

Consequences of previous missions

Consequences in following missions

